When I was growing up there were many actors that had a special flair in person and on the screen. GEORGE HAMILTON was always noted for the Debonair Style (Almost all Women Loved Him) and the Tan that was so perfect that he had it in his contract that he would always have time to maintain it and keep it perfect. Though he grew up in West Palm Beach in Florida when he was a young, we never had a chance to see him until he starred in a Play at a local venue where I took everyone to have a chance to meet him. Though 75 years old he still moves as if he was in his 30's never denying a request to have a photo with him and sign an autograph or two. We all talked about when he portrayed Hank Williams in Your Cheatin Heart and LOVE AT FIRST BITE which so many people remember him playing Dracula in a strange and funny way. He loved the attention and truly had the manor of the glamour actors who relished the spotlight and knew how to work the cameras in taking the perfect pictures and the r...