
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Day Autographing Died

There are millions who have collected autographs over the centuries initially for pleasure and over the last 40 years for profit. Regardless of the motives the thrill of the hunt has been there and meeting that special personality without any reservations was something special. Now I have calculated that the professional grapher makes up 90 percent of seekers as the celebrities are selling autographs at shows and are so Leary of anyone who approaches them asking for a piece of their DNA either because of safety but mainly they do not want to give any autograph for free. A good friend of mine waited with one other person for TED NUGENT who reportedly sells his autograph for a charity. He flew by them both promising he would return to sign their one item but never did. We waited for LITA FORD after a show in the lobby of HHARD ROCK Hotel and she too would not acknowledge a few fans who had albums for her to sign that cost them and put money in her pocket. JOE JACKSON threatened to call