With the political races in high gear many of the candidates are stomping for votes and sending in others to help draw interest and get all to vote.On this special night Former PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON was drawing a nice crowd for his wife HILLARY CLINTONS bit for the White House. Speaking at a local college he kept everyone admiring that he used no cue cards and went on for about 40 minutes. Now No matter what political party or candidate You may be part of or want , You can not take away that only a few yards away is a Political Icon that lead the Most Powerful Country in the World for 8 years. Now Rocket Man and I positioned ourselves in hopes of getting a picture and our items signed . After his speech he came down to the crowd shaking as many hands that could reach him and once in a while take a item mostly books and passed them to his assistant where he would later sign them back stage. He cam over to our area and lucky for me took my book and then almost like magic took my other. He was stalled by being interviewed by a TV crew which allowed Rocket to get a photo passed and with my books all were signed. When we left my thoughts were only how cool it was to meet one of only 44 Presidents and he showed a true charisma that we have seen and now experienced.
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