Regardless of what one does in achieving a trifecta success and feeling that you were so successful that a smile will be the end result. In this case autographing is my trifecta today. As we all know the autographs do not come to us we must all seek them out regardless if at events or shows. One has to have the ingenuity many times the foresight and the will in achieving our goals in meeting a special celebrity.Today was one of the days we set our goals high hoping to meet these special indivisuals with emphaszing coordinating each moment and event. Our First Stop was about an hour plus away at a carshow where TOM WOPAT famous from his days as a member of the DUKES OF HAZZARD. He was signing the first for free and after the initial one 25 dollars to sign an item. This is a deal as in a couple of weeks he was to be one of the guests at a big autograph show where he would be signing for 40 dollars on a photo and 40 dollars for a photo with. Now Tom does not set the prices but the organizer. We walked about a half a mile to find where the tent Wopat was at and with the first bit of luck there was no one on line. There must have been 5,000 people attending and no one was there maybe not realizing it was free. First bit of luck. We approached Tom and was as pleasant as could be signing not one for me but 4 and did not charge. First class act of the day. So as quickly as we arrived we were off to the next stop crisscrossing over Florida almost 2 plus hours away in hopes of meeting 2 legends of the stage and screen. LOVE LETTERS a play that has been around for years and has starred may actors and actresses reading the letters of thier past. In this case ALI MCGRAW and RYAN O'NEAL were the stars of this funny and moving play.As many know they teamed up in the Iconic LOVE STORY that has stood the time for greatness. Now my friend wanted to meet O'Neal but my sites were on meeting ALI MCGRAW. We got to the venue with time to spare and we waited near the stage door( Fancy car waiting also what we knew would be their ride) and watched people exit in waves and praying that others would not congregate outside also. At first there was about 10 but must have decreased the size with my comments that they would be probably another hour before they came out. Some there were only 3 of us and with security voicing their authority' They are not signing, no photos and are leaving right away when they exit" If I had a dollar every time I have heard that I could buy a Rolls Royce.Then RYAN O'NEAL came out with 2 security people and just as he was to enter his car I called over " MR> O"NEAL THERE IS ONLY 3 OF US" . He looked at us and said OK. IT WORKED. He came over starting signing our items and then I noticed the jewel that I was hoping to meet. ALI MCGRAW went to the other car and I left Ryan and went to her. Even with aging she is so stunning and charming as she willingly signed my items and took a picture. She commented on the photos as they were from THE GETAWAY and LOVE STORY and was everything I had hope she would be. As they John the other seeker was thrilled that he met his hero O'Neal and Myself with MCGRAW that I have always had a crush on. An Added bonus as we were leaving we met another wonderful couple who became instead friends only to find out that the gentlemen was TONY DOWs brother famous as Wally from LEAVE IT THE BEAVER. What stories they shared. Now with our gears in getting back home we decided to break up the 3 hour trip but stopping at a comedy club where BRAD WILLIAMS one of my favorite comedians was performing his one man act. His HBO show talking and joking about his size as a " Little Person" was truly one of the funniest and You just admire his skills as one of the funniest people on this earth. Again Perfect timing and we were there for the end of the show and first on line where he was promoting his items and signed our items with a picture with and making our day fully complete.. Meeting these wonderful celebrities for my first time made the feeling as if I won a million dollars in my first Trifecta this year. Lets hope it will repeat again.


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