As long as I can remember JEFFERSON AIRPLANE which evolved into JEFFERSON STARSHIP has been around with countless iconic songs that many of us grew up with since the late 60's . The Voice of GRACE SLICK and the Majestic beauty she had hypnotized everyone with PAUL KANTNER, DAVID FREIBERG, PAPA JOHN CREECH, MARTY BALIN, JORMA KAUKONAN and JACK CASADY..
Along with the Beatles and the Stones they were my favorite and over the years I saw them many times in concert. I can clearly remember just after their performance at WOODSTOCK, they headlined a concert festival at Roosevelt Raceway in New York with CHUCK BERRY, Elephants Memory and several others and the sound they took from San Francisco kept everyone on their feet partying with only love about. This world could use some of that now.
But as years went by some left to form Hot Tuna, Grace became ill but has taken up painting ( I personally have two of them and had the great pleasure meeting and hanging out with her a few years back).
Marty Balin plays regularly and has a great sound, Mickey Thomas spun off with his own Starship which leaves the other STARSHIP with Paul Kantner and David Frieberg.A year ago they were playing at a small venue in MT Dora and I jumped at the chance of meeting the two.

I have never met but to my regret Paul became very ill a few days before and had to cancel leaving David Frieberg at the helm. They put on a good show but with out Paul there was something definitely missing. So when I heard they were coming to another small venue I had to drive over an hour to hopefully meet Paul . When we got there my heart was crushed when AGAIN Paul was not going to be there due to a major Heart Attack which has left him very weak and unable to perform. Most of those I spoke with believe it would be a miracle for him to perform but after speaking with David he still holds alot of optomism that he will again perform.
Though David does a fine job as the temporary captain of the ship, it is Paul Kantner that is the main driver of the iconic band and sound that has been going for almost 50 years. I usually do not set out to make personal goals in meeting special personalities but Paul is truly my exception. If I hope that he comes back around here again, my hopes may be crushed. So if Paul should ever read this blog and if I am invited to San Francisco where he lives today, I might just catch the first plane out to meet one of the legendary rockers of ROCK N ROLL. No One can ever stop us from dreaming.
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