It always happens when a celebrity passes news travels so fast to everyone who was either a fan or not. Today My Brother called me that JOE COCKER passed away in Colorado at the age of 70 of lung cancer. I sighed for a moment and reflected on the last time I had the opportunity to meet this legend. It all stemmed from the first time I heard him sing the BEATLES song " WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS' and I was hooked forever from seeing his performance at WOODSTOCK. I had a ticket that I still have to this day for WOODSTOCK but My Mother said I could not go because I was to Young and in the long run had to settle with watching the whole festival on the Big Screen in the movies. His movements though they appeared spastic were so hypnotizing and coordinated as he belted out his songs on that grand stage. Later songs like YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL became many Lovers wedding song and forever entrenched in our song vocabulary.
I had the opportunity to meet him at a free downtown concert and though he was about 65 he still was amazing with all his songs that he played for close to 2 hours. I had him sign my WOODSTOCK POSTER and also the WOODSTOCK record set and he even mentioned some of the others that I had on there with a wrinkled smile. As I look at it today many of those great artists like RICHIE HAVENS, JOHNNY WINTER, HENDRIX are all gone but their music will live on and probably making one heck of a jam session in heaven where they will welcome JOE to the elite band. Rest in Peace Joe and we will not forget you!
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