
When I was growing up My Father always was involved in many projects and had by use posters and signs in many of the displays. He regularly went to a store in Massepegua to have them done and You guess it ,it was JERRY SEINFELDs Father who own the store. Though he never told us that he met a young Seinfeld, I have seen his show up close and have met him several times. People do ask how do you meet them and some will always be like clockwork, the same routine as the time before. Jerry usually never signs in doors because he would never be able to leave the venue with the huge crowds he attracts at the shows. The plan is always wait outside the back door , do not push and crowd and get in an orderly line and will sign one each. Of course there are those who try to sneak from the front to the back of the line and if he or his handlers notice it , HE IS DONE. He will sign for everyone and will not pose for a picture unless you meet him at the hotel and treat him politely. Many years ag...