RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS Over my lifetime I have witnessed more concerts than I could ever remember. Some stand out such as THE STONES, CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH, JAMES GANG and so many others. Tonight I just didn't just witness but experienced the group , the one and only RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS along with 30 thousand die hard fans who never sat down for 2 hours playing hit after hit. Now before I became a convert tonight , I never realized how amazing these 4 guys were. They played liked individuals but were so in synced as one band , you were hypnotized as the music became one. CHAD SMITH played and was a part of his drums never once tiring even with breaking numerous drum sticks with a passion I have not seen since KEITH MOON. The Guitarist JOSH bounced up and down playing every riff never missing a single beat. FLEA on base appeared to fly back and forth on the stage making everyone feel he was playing just for them with pants that expressed the freedom of their music. ANTHONY the...