If people who chase for any autograph for fun or profit we all have been asked " how do you get to meet so many celebrities ?" Some believe we are successful every time but the true grapher will tell you it is a lot of work. Knowing that they may be there, locating and then getting to them is all part of the process. Many times it may run like clockwork but just like life you run into many bumps in the road. This happened this past week though successful in most non came easy. Attended the TIM TEBOW golf Tournament where a few names participated and usually everyone is up close and a laid back atmosphere. Everything was not what we expected. Ropes kept everyone at bay so getting up close was not happening plus no items were. It allowed Security were rude and even escorted a friend back to his car because he tried to get a photo signed. Though we did get some autographs it was not what we expected and definitely not enjoyable as in the past. We drove to see THE BLUES BR...