I had to catch my breath for a moment when a friend text me today of the news of LEONARD NIMOYs passing at the age of 83. He will be remembered forever as the brilliant Vulcan and first officer on the Star Ship Enterprise known as Mr. Spock. Star Trek though on the TV screen for only 3 years from 1966 to 1969 garnered more fans as one of the first TV shows to make it big in the movies due to the wonderful following of all the Trekies. Most of us all loved Captain Kirk ( WILLIAM SHATNER) but so many waited for the words of wisdom from Mr. Spock. I had the great pleasure of hearing him speak in 2001 to a crowd where he spoke of his Jewish Heritage and his fame as an actor to a crowd of about 300. As he was escorted out of the theatre , My Wife, son and I were waiting to seek his autograph. He stopped for us all and signed his book while a a photo was being taken. Not much up to that time was ever spoken of his illness ...