This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf =" " xmlns:rdfs =" " xmlns =" " xmlns:dc =" " xmlns:prism =" " xmlns:dcterms =" " > <channel rdf:about =" " > <title> CiteULike: Search results for: </title> <description> CiteULike: Search results for: </description> <link> </link> <dc:publisher> </dc:publisher> <dc:language> en-gb </dc:language> <dc:rights> Copyright © 2...
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FRANKIE AVALON VERSES DONALD FAGEN Because we meet so many celebrities each week I have decided to place two of the celebrities as a face-off so the people who do not have the opportunity to meet these folks may see a different side of them that they do not see on TV the screen or the concert stage. Let's start on a good note. Singer FRANKIE AVALON. Frankie has been performing too loyal fans since the early 60s where he was teen idol in many of the original beach blanket movies. This 76-year-old performer , in shape like he was in his thirties, continues to give full energy to sold out crowd's singing all of his hits and having everyone leave with a smile and amazement. Now I have met him before and we were waiting patiently after the show in hopes of asking him to sign a few items that we were going to share with others. He came in though his manager and said he had to go he came over to us signed our items and without hesitation willingly took p...
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Legendary and founding member of PINK FLOYD has been touring for the past few years with the lavish production of THE WALL to sold out crowds with a fantastic show. One thing THAT HAD BEEN a given like clockwork was that he would stop as he entered the venue he was to play and sign autographs from his car to a line that waited for him in an orderly fashion. But as usual all good things must end if they are taken advantage of and abused. Now two years ago I with about 40 others waited outside with instructions by his staff he would sign one each and that is exactly what he did. There were the collectors and dealers who follow the instructions to the law. But with his signature on an item selling from 200 to 600 hundred some began to find ways to procure more not because they were fans but a way to be greedy and make a few bucks selling them from EBay and other auction sites. Some were clever I admit painting bricks white , guitars until he made it known that he woul...
The Day Autographing Died
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There are millions who have collected autographs over the centuries initially for pleasure and over the last 40 years for profit. Regardless of the motives the thrill of the hunt has been there and meeting that special personality without any reservations was something special. Now I have calculated that the professional grapher makes up 90 percent of seekers as the celebrities are selling autographs at shows and are so Leary of anyone who approaches them asking for a piece of their DNA either because of safety but mainly they do not want to give any autograph for free. A good friend of mine waited with one other person for TED NUGENT who reportedly sells his autograph for a charity. He flew by them both promising he would return to sign their one item but never did. We waited for LITA FORD after a show in the lobby of HHARD ROCK Hotel and she too would not acknowledge a few fans who had albums for her to sign that cost them and put money in her pocket. JOE JACKSON threatened to call ...
Pay It Forward
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PAYING IT FORWARD is an act of sharing and kindness with anyone ,friends or stranger. Though I try every day to practice this ,lately I have been the lucky one on the receiving end. This was amazing. After attending the Celebration Car Show with a few friends meeting some celebs as Johnny Bench , Chris Mcdonald and Donny Most,I was getting into the car and a poster that I have collected for years which hundreds of musicians had autographed, fell out of my bag and as if in slow motion fell to the street and rolled down into a drainage opening resting ten feet down looking as if gone forever. I still didn't panic but inside I was crushed. Knowing I just couldn't give up, looking across the street was the town hall which was open due to the celebration and suggested to contact the FIRE DEPARTMENT which My buddy patiently went along on this impossible mission. When I explained my situation my new best friends MARGIE,KAYLA and ROSS followed me in their fire truck to the site t...
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Anyone who has any love or interest in movies has seen the iconic movie AIRPLANE. It truly was one of the first movies that took slapstick and involved scores of notable actors. Now many of them were noted for serious roles but everyone were perfect and more one liners that people remember than any other movie I can recall. So just as things happen ROBERT HAYS who played "Strike" and DAVID DRUCKER who directed this funny masterpiece were in town for a film festival which put it a must for a few of my diehard friends and very importantly fans of the movie. When we met them the moment was special as both had a little craziness and wonderful personalities. When we approached them the first comment was " Are you guys Stalkers" stopping us for a moment until both smiled a mile wide telling us they were kidding. They chatted , signed autographs, took pictures and spoke with us for 10 minutes as if we had known them for years. When they took off to fly off to the Fil...
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RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS Over my lifetime I have witnessed more concerts than I could ever remember. Some stand out such as THE STONES, CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH, JAMES GANG and so many others. Tonight I just didn't just witness but experienced the group , the one and only RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS along with 30 thousand die hard fans who never sat down for 2 hours playing hit after hit. Now before I became a convert tonight , I never realized how amazing these 4 guys were. They played liked individuals but were so in synced as one band , you were hypnotized as the music became one. CHAD SMITH played and was a part of his drums never once tiring even with breaking numerous drum sticks with a passion I have not seen since KEITH MOON. The Guitarist JOSH bounced up and down playing every riff never missing a single beat. FLEA on base appeared to fly back and forth on the stage making everyone feel he was playing just for them with pants that expressed the freedom of their music. ANTHONY the...