Pay It Forward

PAYING IT FORWARD is an act of sharing and kindness with anyone ,friends or stranger. Though I try every day to practice this ,lately I have been the lucky one on the receiving end. This was amazing. After attending the Celebration Car Show with a few friends meeting some celebs as Johnny Bench , Chris Mcdonald and Donny Most,I was getting into the car and a poster that I have collected for years which hundreds of musicians had autographed, fell out of my bag and as if in slow motion fell to the street and rolled down into a drainage opening resting ten feet down looking as if gone forever. I still didn't panic but inside I was crushed. Knowing I just couldn't give up, looking across the street was the town hall which was open due to the celebration and suggested to contact the FIRE DEPARTMENT which My buddy patiently went along on this impossible mission. When I explained my situation my new best friends MARGIE,KAYLA and ROSS followed me in their fire truck to the site t...